Be ready with the PAUSE button! Get ready to hit pause and read the Questions properly, in the essence of time there is only a matter of seconds between some questions. Unless you know your Joss inside-out then your challenge is to beat the clock, but still think quick!
Single Players; Beat the clock or take your time. For 2+ player games, simply find a noise maker as your buzzer! --- If you just have a couple of hours to spare on a weekly/bi-weekly basis and would like to join on a casual basis, we want to hear from you too!
Suggest a puzzle or for answers: ** Be sure to check out the 'Reactions' feature at the bottom of each puzzle post to let us know how difficult you found it! ** PARENTAL Guidance for persons under the age of 12 is recommended. The majority of our puzzles are designed to give adult pop-culture fans a fun yet challenging, tricky yet humourous experience and therefore often contain risque language/word use.
Answers upon request, email the compiler for answers and extra hints!
Feel Free To Link To Our Puzzles!
However, our free puzzles and interviews are for personal use only and are not to be reproduced in any form without the permission of the compiler. Your website is welcome to link to us but we ask that you link directly to the post so the fans can enjoy the rest of our selection.
Libraries, Schools and Hospitals excluded.
Each puzzle on this site was handmade by one of our Hubbler volunteers.
Our Musical Theatre crosswords can be found in advance in Stage Whispers, the premiere musical theatre publication of Australia and New Zealand. Click to subscribe!